September 30, 2020

Why Is Content Marketing So Important in Fintech?

With personal finance being a hot topic right now, it’s no question why the fintech industry is on the rise. For fintech firms and fintech startups to reach their target audience, they must focus on digital marketing strategies like content marketing.

For emerging financial technologies, traditional marketing is only one small piece of the puzzle, oftentimes content marketing is even more important for customer acquisition. 

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What is Content Marketing?

Before diving into how important content marketing is for fintech companies, we must first break down what content marketing is. Content marketing is a digital marketing strategy focused on long-form content. The goal of this type of marketing is to educate your target audience and build trust and authority. Some common aspects of content marketing include:

  • Website blog posts
  • Guest posts on other blogs
  • Interviews
  • Infographics
  • Lead magnets
  • Email marketing 
  • Reports
  • White papers
  • Case studies

To leverage your content for customer acquisition, your fintech company must have a detailed content strategy. Your content strategy should outline the content you’re producing, who your target audience is, what you measure, and your objectives. Your fintech firm needs a robust content marketing plan to guide your content. Always create and publish content with a dedicated strategy in mind. 

Emerging Financial Technology and Financial Institutions 

Fintechs already have a unique position compared to other financial institutions.

According to Content Wired, “fintechs are in a unique position where they must walk the fine line between edginess to stand out in a sea of competitors and traditional principles that instill trust and confidence from businesses and consumers.” 

Fintech firms of all kinds need to incorporate solid content creation strategies and an integral part of their overall marketing strategy. As a sector that already relies on emerging financial technologies, it is vital for fintech companies to master digital marketing services for customer acquisition. 

Why Fintech Needs Content Marketing 

Content marketing is a powerful strategy, and one of the best Fintech growth hacks that all fintech companies need. Content creation is one of the best ways that Fintechs can reach prospective customers and gain rapid growth. 

Fintech is known for having customers that enjoy more self-service and control. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult for fintech firms to build strong relationships with customers. Content creation is one strategy Fintechs can use to develop and strengthen emotional ties with customers, which will help ensure loyalty. 

Additionally, content marketing can help bring current and prospective customers back to your website. When customers and prospects visit your site, it adds value and will even help you appear higher in Google search results. 

The bottom line is that content marketing is mandatory in the fintech industry. Top fintech companies, like Acorns, Stash, and Chase, are investing in content marketing to reach their target audience and grow their businesses.

In fact, 96% of the top fintech companies create “thought leadership”, or content, on a regular basis. With consumers engulfed in the content on a daily basis, creating the best content is absolutely essential for building customer relationships. 

The 2 Biggest Challenges for Fintech Content Marketing 

Since the “fintech landscape has never been more competitive” it’s critical for companies to differentiate themselves with their content. While content marketing is imperative for fintech companies, it’s not always an easy strategy to master. 

One of the biggest challenges fintech firms face when it comes to content creation is quality.

Simply spewing out content is not enough, you need to share content that your target audience is interested in and that is different from what everyone else is doing. Since so many fintechs are now creating content for their target audiences, it is not as much of a unique quality as if once was.

To stand out with content creation, you need to create the best content that your audience will love. 

Personalization is another obstacle for fintech content marketing.

According to Tear Sheet, “the problem is there’s no one-size-fits-all advice for customers, and the majority of the firms haven’t figured out how to serve up content that’s not one-size-fits-all.” When everyone else in the fintech industry is writing content, it’s hard to create unique content that appeals to each person in your target audience. However, personalization is the new differentiating factor when it comes to fintech content marketing. 

The major hurdle that keeps many fintech companies (especially fintech startups) from content marketing is the cost. Content is not free, and whether you hire an in-house team or pay an expert, you must have a budget for content marketing. In reality, content marketing is far more powerful than traditional marketing for fintech companies, who are based on technology and digital experience. Consider content creation as an investment for your fintech company. 

Fintech Content Marketing Growth Hacks

For content marketing to work in the personal finance sector, you must be very intentional in creating for your target audience. When done right, content creation is an excellent inbound marketing strategy that will propel your customer acquisition. Here are the top tips for creating the best content:

  • Research your target audience. Before you can start creating content, you’ll need to create a specific audience personas. The personas of your ideal customers should guide your content creation. Pick out their common demographics, pain points, values, hobbies, buying behaviors, budgets, and more. 
  • Research keywords. Find the questions people search for on Google about your company. Keyword research helps you generate relevant content ideas, and it also helps you create content that will help your website climb the Google search results.  
  • Create content with your audience in mind. Think about what they want to know and the information they are searching for. 
  • Provide specific, actionable advice. Avoid vague content that is extremely generic. Give your audience something that is very helpful and educational. 
  • Include visual elements, including videos. Visual elements are far more engaging than simply text. Give your target audience a reason to click on your content and stay there. 
  • Personalize the experience. Make your content interactive and personal. Facilitate an engaging user experience and offer relevant content suggestions to your audience. 
  • Write naturally. Avoid heavy jargon and complicated content. Keep it natural and simple. Provide financial information that’s digestible for your audience. 

Digital Marketing Services for Fintech Companies 

Fintech marketing is absolutely essential, but it is also a difficult space. Most fintech owners or CEOs are not marketers by nature. While you can certainly learn a lot about fintech content creation on your own, it is often much faster and cost-effective to hire a professional for your digital marketing services. 

That is why the team at Layup Content is committed to offering a comprehensive range of digitally marketing services specifically for fintechs of all sizes. We help you embrace all of the key emerging financial technologies to create the best content for your target audience. We create and execute your robust content marketing plan from top to bottom so that you can attract more prospective customers and fortify your customer relationship.

To learn more about our fintech content marketing services and how we can help you, schedule your free breakthrough call here

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