June 4, 2019

There’s One Thing to Know About Google’s New Search Algorythm​

So, Google did this over the weekend…

A new search algorithm for the world’s biggest search portal.


These things always scare SEO types, because they cause uncertainty. All the way back to Panda (Google’s big 2011

algo update), digital watcher types have declared search and content marketing dead at the launch of every new Google algorithm.

That’s just not true.

There are two things to note here: (1) Google’s new

algo is happening. And (2) my former Yahoo colleague Anthony Moor does a great job here pulling back the hyperbole and getting to the real story: great content wins.

Check out what the guys at StoryCraft have to say about this most recent update…

“For businesses that rely on digital marketing to reach customers, which is nearly every business these days, Google is that company now. On Sunday, Google tweeted an announcement that it’s rolling out one of its regular, “core” algorithm updates. The search giant does this a

couple times a year and make no mistake, when Google talks, content marketers listen.

“That’s because Google is so instrumental in directing web traffic that even small changes in content rankings on a page can make or break a company’s quarter. Everyone is vying for those precious few spots at the top of the search page. As you go down the page, the traffic drops off exponentially. About 30% of the clicks go to the top organic result, according to April numbers from Advanced Web Ranking, but that

plummets by as much as half if you’re in position 2. If you’re #5, you’re getting a measly 4% of page clicks.

“With stakes that high, search engine optimization staffers are on red alert. Their time-honored practice is to frantically analyze what immediately went up and what went down for ways to hack back their most important pages to where they ranked before the update rolled out.”

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