November 6, 2019

Layup Content Wins a MarCom Award

It’s not a Grammy, It’s not an Emmy, but it’s always nice to be recognized for your work, and I think I speak for everyone at Layup Content when I say that we’re thrilled to announce that we recently scored a 2019 MarCom Award in the category of Digital Media | Writing (Web).

The MarCom Awards are administered by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP), an international organization founded in 1995 that consists of several thousand marketing, communication, advertising, public relations, digital and web professionals.

The awards themselves honor “excellence in marketing and communication while recognizing the creativity, hard work and generosity of industry professionals. Since its inception in 2004, MarCom has evolved into one of the largest, most-respected creative competitions in the world. Each year about 6,000 print and digital entries are submitted from dozens of countries.”

In our case, Layup Content was recognized for our work with iSelect Fund, a venture capital firm in St. Louis that we’ve helped position as a thought leader in startup funding, agriculture technology and innovation.

We’ve done it with white papers…

We’ve done it with blog posts…

We’ve done it with videos, podcasts and more…

That’s the fun part about this work. There’s so much variety and so much creativity in what you get to do every day. In the case of iSelect, we could have worked for years to insert them into the middle of conversations around innovation and startups outside of Silicon Valley, but without their buy-in — not to mention the fact that they have actively been out starting those conversations themselves — we would have gotten nowhere.

That’s why they’re such a great partner and such a great case study for the power of thought leadership.

You can’t fake it. You can’t slap it on something and call it good. It demands authenticity.

So I can’t thank them enough for that.

As for the award, it’s sure nice. Of course, agency awards are pretty much meaningless, but I for one am taking this one a little more seriously.

Not as a trophy to put on the bookcase, but for someone like me who got into this business five years ago after a career in journalism getting this sort of positive feedback from the “real” marketing world is validating. At least now we know we’re on the right track here.

Want to talk about what we can do to elevate your story? Hit me up at tim@wearelayup.com.

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